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Porn Reviewed
Barefoot Cam Girls Leigh

Warning: This porn site review is for a website with no nudity, yet it is so full of teasing babes it will give you a raging boner. Read further at your own risk!

Slumber parties, tight fitting clothing, visable bra lines, visable panty lines, upskirt shots, Indian-style panty shots, naked teen bathtub pics and bare feet. What’s not to love?

Welcome to Barefoot Cam Girls. The only website to wrestle away my hard earned $19.99 without showing me a single boobie. How did they do it? Read on!

If you have been reading my blog for any length of time then you should know that I have a thing for chicks in panties. Believe it or not I would rather see a girls pantied pussy over seeing her naked pussy anytime. Why? I dunno… Fucked up childhood I guess…

Well, the doctors would say it was fucked up. I on the other hand thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Either by just being in the right place at the right time or by being insanely lucky, I managed to get a glimps of my fare share of girls wearing panties. Spin the bottle, strip poker, you name it, I did it. And it all paid off in the end.

Sometimes you just get lucky though…. Like the time I was watching TV over at a neighbors house. They were watching me while my parents were on vacation. Their daughter was several years older than me so I never had a chance when it came to talking or out playing her into showing me her panties. But one lucky night all of that changed.

She was used to not having boys running around so one night she came downstairs to watch TV wearing one of her dads white t-shirts and a pair of silky panties. Light blue silky panties with some white lace trim to be exact. How did I know the color and the style? Her dads t-shirt was one of those thin under shirts… it was quite revealing!

So her parents are up stairs doing who knows what and she sits infront of the TV. I am back on the couch and eventually she decided to lay down on her tummy facing away from me. After bouncing her feet in the air, as girls do, her t-shirt eventually rode so far up her legs that I could see her panty covered ass!

Talk about being in heaven! I sat there mezmerized for about 10 minutes before I realized that she didn’t even remember I was in the room. She had gotten so used to being the only child that she had forgotten about me. At the same time I realized this, I also realized that my boner was aching for some attention.

I eventually built up enough nerve to jack off. When it came time to cum I pulled off a sock and used it to catch my load of sperm. Right after I cleaned up she got up for a glass of water and was stunned to see me sitting there. She asked me why I didn’t tell her I could see her panties but I couldn’t even speak. She huffed and went back up stairs. Damn what a sweet time that was.

And so now you know how got my $19.99 without showing me any boobs. There is plenty to think about without actually having to see them. In fact, your idea of what they look like is often better than the real thing anyway. I have actually cancelled several solo model memberships when the girl finally did show me her pussy. It didn’t look anything like I imagined it did and I actually felt cheated!

Barefoot Cam Girls does not update anymore. I repeat, it does not update anymore and therefor the memberships do not rebill on their own. Awesome for me because I always forget to cancel.

So why join a "dead website?" Well, for starters there is the 500 galleries, the 200 models and the 135 videos they have amassed. The girls range in types from the girl nextdoor to the hottie you will never ever get (hey, neither will I but that’s what these websites are for, right?).

All of those videos and all of those picture sets of girls wearing tight clothing, showing their panties off (often in public), sucking their toes, sucking each others toes and genuenly teasing the cum out of you… why wouldn’t you join?

Hurry, get your Barefoot Cam Girls password today and download this addictive archive of porn to your hard drive before they close the site entirely!

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