They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You know what you like and what you want more than anyone else. For me that means a pussy with little to no inner lips, puffy outer lips and an overall look that says I am a virgin pussy you might want to stick your fat cock into.
Looking at the various posts on my blog you will find many examples of what gets me off. If you are of a similar mindset on pussy you will undoubtedly find something worth looking at. But for some the pussy I like will be downright dastardly ugly. I can except that. Can you accept that I might think your idea of the hottest pussy is not all that and a bag of chips?
So why are some pussies better than others? We can go back to beauty being in the eye of the beholder for that. We all have preset ideas in our heads that are based on genetic markers in our own individual DNA. But it doesn’t stop there. The pussies you first saw at or around puberty can also greatly effect how you think a pussy should look in order to be worthy of you sticking your dick in it.
Seeing a wet pussy helps a lot. So do high contrast bikini colors like yellow, orange and bright green. When properly contrasted a pussy can become more than just a place to hide your prick. It can become a work of art.
Bikini Riot has hundreds of models and all of them start out in a sexy bikini that accentuates the curves of everything from the tits, their asses and their pussies. Enjoy the weekly updates and looking at some of the hottest girls in the porn industry!